Tid: 05. mars kl 14.-16.
Sted: Reform, Akersgata 16, Oslo
Det nasjonale tilbudet med skolehelsetjeneste og helsestasjon for ungdom er hjørnestener i vårt helsetilbud. Likevel har det vært en utfordring å nå gutter. Det problemet har ikke Boys’ House i Helsinki. De driver et eget senter med et omfattende tilbud rettet spesifikt mot gutter, og merker stor pågang. I anledning Boys’ House sitt besøk hos Reform har vi invitert nasjonale eksperter for å belyse hva det krever av helsestasjonstjenestene for også å nå gutter.
Du som er ansatt på helsestasjonen, du som har et ansvar i kommunen og du som har et ansvar fra de nasjonale myndighetenes side inviteres spesielt til å delta på seminaret og i dette arbeidet. Alle er hjertelig velkomne!
Antti Ervasti, Boys’ House, Helsinki
Andreas Persson, Helsestasjon for ungdom, Bergen
Evelyn Simonnes, Sex og samfunn, Oslo
Diskusjon ledet av Are Saastad, leder ved Reform – ressurssenter for menn
In English:
Open seminar: The social – and health care services – also for boys?
The municipal health centers for children and youth and the health services in Norwegian schools are the cornerstones of the health system. Yet, they experience great difficulties in reaching boys.
This is not a problem for Boys’ House in Helsinki. As a specialised centre that offers a wide range of services to boys, they have a lot of boys coming to their house. On the visit to us at Reform, Boys’ House join national experts and shed light on how health services can target boys. Is there a need for specialised services like in Helsinki, or are there lessons to learn for general health and social services?
If you want to give your input, take part in the discussion or just find the topic interesting – then you are welcome to the seminar! Health workers, municipal or governmental representatives concerned with boys’ access to health and social services are especially encouraged to participate.
Antti Ervasti, Boys’ House. Boys’ House in Helsinki is a specialised service that offer gender sensitive, low-threshold services for boys and young men between the age of 10-28 years; individual- and group support services, sexual education, sexual counselling, STD-testing, workshops, online support, multicultural work and services for young fathers. Boy’s House also offers services for boys and young men who have faced sexual violence. www.poikientalo.fi/
Andreas Persson, Helsestasjon for ungdom. Persson from Helsestasjon for ungdom (Health services for youth in Bergen) will talk about his experiences and successes in targeting boys in health work.
Evelyn Simonnes, Sex og samfunn. Sex og samfunn (Sex and society in Oslo) is a sexual and reproductive health and rights service for young people up to 23 years. The centre has achieved good results in reaching both sexes in their counselling, education and health care programmes.
For more information contact Ole Nordfjell ole(a)reform.no