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Reform’s Men’s Health Week 2017 Campaign: How to cope with serious diagnoses

In five short films, published on Facebook and YouTube, meet the Norwegian men Rooy, Lasse, Thomas and Stig. They have all been suffering from serious, life threatening conditions, and personal crises. Listen to the stories, and their experiences in coping. Moral? Don’t give up. Seek help. It’s never too late!

Rooy (38) is the first man out. He struggles with an eating disorder, that started at the age of 14. Listen to Rooy’s story, experiences and his heartfelt advice on how to get help – and to go on living.

The next guy out, is Lasse (64). After a tigh bone cancer, that left him with an amputated left foot, life seemed heavy to bear. Listen to how Lasse changed his destiny – by choosing not to give in, but to smile.

You still will have to wait a bit for Thomas (Wednesday) and Stig (Thursday), before they all join forces to give you their most heartfelt recommendations on Friday.

Take Care of Yourself, Man!

Rooy talking about eating dissorders
Facebook / YouTube – With english subtitles

Lasse talking about cancer
Facebook / YouTube – With english subtitles

Thomas talking about posttraumatic stress disorder
Facebook / YouTube – With english subtitles

Stig talking about testicular cancer
Facebook / YouTube – With english subtitles

Highlights from all four interviews
Facebook / YouTube – With english subtitles

Reform avatar Reform – ressurssenter for menn

Reform – ressurssenter for menn er en politisk uavhengig stiftelse som arbeider for at menn skal inkluderes i likestillingsarbeidet, og at likestillingsarbeid skal inkludere menn. Reform driver hjelpetilbud for menn, dokumenterer og formidler kunnskap om menns og gutters livssituasjon, og er en synlig aktør i norsk likestillingspolitikk.

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